6 Strategies for writing an Engaging Content that will attract your leads, convert them and grow your revenues
It is true that a paying customer is what any kind of business needs to grow. Managers struggle a lot to make sure they acquire buyers and retain them.
In so many different businesses, the number of people stopping using the services/products, churning as they call it, is bigger than the number of newly acquired users.
It tells us that, acquisition itself is not enough for the business to grow. Rather, every business needs to go the extra mile and engage their users to retain them through different channels.
Over the years, customers relied on searching the information before deciding to buy anything, and that behavior never changed until now. What has been changed though are the channels that were being used to obtain that information.
We experienced the growth of Radio, printing and Television media in the last century. However, 21st Century brought up a speedy penetration of internet where it becomes the biggest media tool and source of information. It is not only in developed countries, but the growth is also even significant in other developing countries.
Let us take an example of Rwanda, the penetration of internet is growing by 47,6 % with total users of 5,6 Million (Half total population) by 2018 and expected to grow by 60% in 2020(Ipsos).
Businesses are responding to growth by shifting to internet publishing tools like social media and blogs. Nowadays, information is ubiquitous as everyone is free to publish what they want.
However, businesses need to produce engaging content to grow their leads and convert visitors into buying customers.
We are looking at six strategies that can help you produce engaging content that attracts readers and convert them into paying customers. Are you ready for it? Let’s get to it!
1.Segmentation of your audience is very important
First and foremost, you need to segment your audience. Segmenting your audience means, categorizing your audience based on different factors including their age, culture, hobbies, etc.…
The truth is, different people have different values and you should treat them differently if you want them to stay with you for a long time.
Segmenting your audience helps you tailor the content based on each category by using different words, call-to-action or headings that attracts them.
For instance, the millennial value family, creativity and charity, when you are targeting them, you need to be certain that you evolve around those values and how they meet your brands’ value (Neil Patel, 2018).
Understanding what each category likes to see is crucial in earning their attention.
2.Understand what readers want from you
Following up with the first tactics of segmenting your audience, then you need to know your audience and what they want from you.
For example, your end user and your economic buyer may want to own your product or services due to different motives, therefore, you will have to create different content for them, or a different call to action if you really looking for results. One way to do that is to create a buyer persona, below is a simple sample you can refer to.
Additonally, ou may first need to carry out research with your audience like a focus group to understand what they want from you as well as looking at how they interact or respond to your offers.
3.Make sure you create an adaptive content
Adaptive content simply means the content that can be displayed well across multiple platforms. Truth is, people will access your content using different devices including phones, tablet, and laptops.
Who is willing to read an article when it is not fitting their screen? I guess very few are patient to zoom in and out to read your content. You need to make sure that your content is readable using different platforms to make it easier for your readers to read them.
4.Consistently produce and publish content
People say consistency beats talent, hard work, and good intention and it is totally very true. Chances are, you are not going to grow your audience to 1000 in your first week.
Truth is, it takes time, but you need to be careful about what you are doing at that time. You need to have a plan on how and when you are producing the content for your audience. You need to be consistent with that if you really want long term results.
5.Focus on keywords popular in your industry
Keywords are essential if you are looking at ranking among the top in your industry. You need to think like a user who searches information in any search engine. Understand what type of keywords they may use to find information on your industry and then use them.
Secondly, you will have to carry out the competition analysis, looking at what your competitor is using. You need to be sure that you are ranked among the best in your industry at the end of the day.
6. Test, measure, and Iterate
Last but not least, it is key to have a plan, test it, measure results and Iterate. For example, I would advise any manager to do A/B testing on the content and measure which one brings good results and which one less likely to bring positive results. You need to execute like a growth hacker.
For example, between video content and written content which one is more productive than the other? Which call to action works better? Which headlines work the best for you? What are the keywords that are more engaging for you?
You need to understand this very well. After that, It may take you time but as Steve Jobs once said “You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains”
His statement applies in content marketing too. In addition, you need to understand what tactics work for you and then build from there. In other words, your business won’t take off
In conclusion, I want to congratulte you! You have now gone through strategies that you need to employ in order to attract readers and convert them into your buying buyers.
However, you need to understand that what you sell is not the product or the service but the value it brings to your customers. Know why you are doing what you do and then your content should focus on that too.
As Simon Sinek once said, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you are doing it”. Those who are reading your content are there to learn what you can help them.
Above all, you need to recognize how strategies mentioned above complement each other and how they can help you if are well executed. Continue visiting Yobrand website for the latest updates.